Angelique 03-12-2020, 16:33
Kaas was voor mijn dochter ,daar eten ze altijd kaas en kaasfondue, dit was als geintje bedoeld en is zeer geslaagd! Altijd riep ze ,ik wordt nog weleens door mijn vrienden met kaas overspoeld. Nu was t haar eigen moeder die deze kaas dus kado gaf!
Met een Sinterkerst avond vóór de boeg wordt de kaas aangesneden.
Conny Peersman Ricci 03-12-2020, 15:52
I was shocked how quickly the cheese arrived, ordered on a Monday night and arrived that Friday.( I live in New Orleans) It takes longer to send stuff to my kids in Colorado. I ordered the black cow, the cheese is delish!!! It is a treat to have some good bread with this delicious cheese.
Sabine Hermans 03-12-2020, 15:23
Super lekkere kaas!!
Frank Stramm 03-12-2020, 15:03
Auf der "Grünen Woche" in Berlin lernten wir diesen Käse kennen und sind zu Wiederholungstätern geworden.
Als 'Einstiegsdroge' ruhig mal die 3 jungen Gauda (Kuh / Schaf / Ziege) bestellen, besser noch den Bio-Jersey gleich dazu!
Martina de Bruin 03-12-2020, 14:57
Hele lekkere kaas.....we genieten er nog van
João Oliveira 03-12-2020, 12:26
Queijos deliciosos!!!
Sherry 03-12-2020, 03:47
Customer service is always professional, courteous and helpful! We’ve ordered cheese several times, it arrives on time and always delicious! I would highly recommend this company and his products!
Christian 02-12-2020, 21:17
Extraordinary variety of wonderful cheese, unique taste!
We already ordered online and visited your stylish shops in Maastricht, Delft and Amsterdam. Looking forward to next visit... :-)
Karine 02-12-2020, 16:43
Livraison rapide
Et très bon fromage
Eric 02-12-2020, 14:49
I tried their cheese when I visited one of their stores. I was so happy to find out that they do shipping in the US. The smoked cheese and their herbs and garlic are my personal fave. I recommend to try everything. The gift sets are perfect to send to your friends and loved ones. Even if it’s being imported, they neatly pack the items and it arrives intact.
© 2004 - 2025 Henri Willig Kaas