Ana María Rivas 24-10-2023, 12:34
We were impressed by the quality of the product and the care they took to our order. We received it in two days, that was outstanding considering the shipping was to the USA. It’s highly recommended!
Axel Hendrischk 23-10-2023, 22:41
Außergewöhnlich guter Käse zu Discounter Preisen...Ich und mein ganzer Bekanntenkreis genießen nur noch Käse von Henri Willig...Hut ab vor so einen guten Familienunternehmen...
René FRISING 23-10-2023, 17:57
Schnelle Lieferung, gute Verpackung
Paul Van Eijk 23-10-2023, 14:53
Vooral mijn vrouw houdt van deze specifieke smaak ik ook maar dan iets belegeren
Cerstin Rudolph 23-10-2023, 14:34
Schnelle, zuverlässige Lieferung. Der Käse ist super lecker. Leider gibt es die Sorte mit Pfeffer nicht mehr.
Nancy Yanochik 22-10-2023, 19:44
I like to take my time and browse the wide selection. The product descriptions are very helpful and haven’t led me wrong. We very much enjoyed the seasonal pumpkin flavored cheese and look forward to trying other limited editions
Sabrina Hesse 22-10-2023, 15:21
Meine Lieblingskäsesorten Chili und Kräuter-Knoblauch in Verbindung mit Honigsenf. Immer wieder gerne!
Ricardo Nieva 21-10-2023, 13:23
I made a purchase from Indonesia. The shipment from Germany to Indonesia was amazingly fast; unfortunately, once the products were in Indonesia, it took 8 days for internal delivery.
Tatiana Fedkina 21-10-2023, 11:31
The best cheese ever. We have tried it in Amsterdam factory and felt in love. Now we are ordering it to Poland every time.
Susan Gordon 20-10-2023, 18:17
Great variety of cheeses.
© 2004 - 2025 Henri Willig Kaas