Everything you need to know about eating goat cheese during pregnancy

By: Henri Willig
12 nov 2023
± 2 minuten

Pregnancy is a time of joy, anticipation and much concern around nutrition. A common question is whether it is safe to consume goat cheese during this special period. Let's take a closer look at Henri Willig's goat cheeses and how they relate to pregnancy nutrition.

Hard versus soft goat cheese

Goat cheese can be divided into two types: hard goat cheese and soft goat cheese. The main distinction between the two is the milk used and the moisture content in the cheese.

Hard goat cheese:

Hard goat cheese from Henri Willig is made from pasteurised milk and contains little moisture. Thanks to the pasteurisation process, this goat cheese is safe to consume if you are pregnant. All Henri Willig goat's cheeses are hard goat's cheeses and are made according to Gouda recipe! So you can enjoy our goat cheese during your pregnancy without any worries.

Soft goat's cheese:

On the other hand, soft cheeses are sometimes made from raw milk and can therefore pose a risk to pregnant women. If the packaging says 'au lait cru' or 'raw milk', it is advisable to avoid them, as these cheeses may contain listeria bacteria that is dangerous for unborn babies.

How is Henri Willig goat cheese made?

The process of making goat cheese at Henri Willig starts with high-quality pasteurised milk. Pasteurising the milk helps kill harmful bacteria, making the goat cheese safe for consumption even during pregnancy.

Is goat cheese good for you?

Goat cheese is an excellent source of essential nutrients such as calcium, protein and vitamin B. Goat cheese is also easier to digest than cow's cheese, which can be an advantage if you suffer from pregnancy-related indigestion.

Goat cheese during your pregnancy

Consuming goat cheese during your pregnancy can be safe and nutritious, provided you choose Henri Willig's hard goat cheese varieties. With our wide selection of pasteurised goat cheeses, Henri Willig offers a tasty and healthy option for expectant mothers.

Check out Henri Willig's range of goat cheeses and enjoy the delicious flavours without worries during your pregnancy.

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Is this article already making you hungry?

Check out Henri Willig's delicious recipes below.

Making quick flatbread pizza from the oven

1 pers
20 min

These delicious quick pizzas from @CookingQueensNL will have you on the table in no time. And by quick, we really mean super quick! Preheat the oven to 200 degrees. Spread the flatbread with pesto. Sprinkle the grated cheese generously over the flatbread. We used garlic cheese and young goat cheese, but any combination is of course possible. Halve the tomatoes and divide over the flatbread. Finish with a thin layer of cheese. Place the pizza on the oven rack and bake for 8 to 10 minutes. When the cheese has melted, the pizza can be removed from the oven. Garnish with some basil leaves. Enjoy your pizza!

Making your own cheese fondue with goat cheese

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40 min

Goat cheese fondue tasty and special!  Surely, cheese fondue is one of the beautiful things in life. And it has been given a good upgrade by @courgetticonfetti! What a grandiose recipe.  Recipe: - Crush the garlic cloves and rub them on the bottom of the fondue pan. - Turn on the fondue pan and gently heat the white wine. - Meanwhile, grate both cheeses. - Once the wine is hot, add a little bit of grated cheese to the pan and keep stirring regularly. Repeat until all the cheese has been used up. It takes a while until all the cheese is melted! - Mix the cornstarch with a little water so that it becomes a thick porridge. Stir this into the cheese fondue and let it thicken for another 5 minutes while you keep stirring regularly. - Done!  Serve with various tasty things to dip in the fondue, for example: - Tasty bread, crackers, breadsticks - Raw vegetables: cauliflower, carrots, radishes, peppers.  Make it your own party!