Why do we eat cheese after meals?

Henri Willig
By: Henri Willig
23 aug 2024
± 2 minuten

After a delicious meal, there is often still room for a small but tasty dessert. You probably know the feeling: you're nice and full, but that last craving can still take some. And what could be better than a piece of cheese? But why do we actually eat cheese after a meal? Is it just because it tastes good, or is there more to it than that? Let's take a look at the benefits of this tasty habit and discover why cheese after meals is a good idea.

Cheese dessert with Gouda cheeses from Henri Willig

Is there more to it than just the taste?

So we do not eat cheese after meals just because it tastes good, but there are more reasons behind it. In fact, one of the main reasons to eat cheese after meals is the positive impact it has on your teeth. Cheese is high in calcium and phosphate, two minerals that make your teeth stronger. They also help neutralise the acidity in your mouth, which can prevent tooth decay. So basically, you are giving your teeth a kind of mini-spa treatment, just by eating a piece of cheese.

Moreover, cheese is full of proteins and fats, which make you feel satisfied. That can make you less likely to feel the urge to snack later in the evening. Sounds good too, right?

The ultimate moment of pleasure

Enjoying a delicious piece of cheese on a beautifully made cheeseboard after dinner gives you a moment to pause and enjoy the simplicity of something delicious. At Henri Willig, we have cheeses that make this moment even more special. Our old Gouda cheese, for example, has a deep flavour that is perfect for a relaxed ending to your dinner. Or maybe you prefer something softer, like our goat cheese with honey, which brings a subtle sweetness. Who knows, maybe you want to go all out and organise a cheese tasting of sorts. Then easily try different types of baby cheese and find out which cheese flavour is your favourite! Extra fun if there are visitors, of course.

The tastiest cheese after your meal with Henri Willig

At Henri Willig, you will find cheeses that are perfect to eat after a meal. Whether you like a strong flavour like our old Gouda, or a milder one like our organic cheeses, you will find it in our range! Order cheese online or stop by one of our cheese shops. Enjoy your meal!

Frequently asked questions

Which types of cheese are best to eat after meals?

The choice of cheese after a meal depends on your personal taste. For a powerful finish, choose an old Gouda cheese, which is rich and full of flavour. If you want something milder, goat cheese with a subtle sweetness, such as goat cheese with honey, is a good option. Both types offer the benefits of calcium and phosphate for your teeth.

Is eating cheese after every meal healthy?

Eating cheese after every meal can be healthy, if in moderation. Cheese contains important nutrients such as calcium, but it is also rich in fats and calories. So it is a good idea to vary it with other healthy foods to maintain a balanced diet.

Can I combine cheese after meals with other desserts?

Sure! Cheese pairs excellently with fresh fruit, nuts, and even a little honey. These combinations can complement the flavour of the cheese and give you a rich, varied taste experience. For example, a piece of goat cheese with a slice of pear or a handful of walnuts can make a delicious dessert.

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