

  • 1

    Peel and thinly slice the potatoes. Boil or steam these until tender.

  • 2

    Meanwhile, slice the onion, garlic, tomato and aubergine.

  • 3

    The aubergine went into the airfryer for 10 minutes at 200 degrees.

  • 4

    Fry the onion and garlic and fry the veggie mince until loose.

  • 5

    After about 5 minutes, add the pasta sauce, diced tomatoes, paprika powder and Italian herbs.

  • 6

    Start with a layer of potatoes and then a layer of minced meat sauce then a layer of aubergine, now a layer of truffle sauce followed by a layer of tomatoes. Then another layer of potatoes and so on until your dish is full.

  • 7

    Grate the truffle cheese until you have a generous layer on the overscale.

  • 8

    These little dishes went into the oven for 30 minutes at 180 degrees.

Ready to make your own moussaka with truffle cheese?

A delicious moussaka with truffle cheese is a perfect dish for anyone who loves moussaka with a unique twist. Eat well and enjoy every bite of this culinary creation!

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