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Looking for the secret to the perfect cheese board? Look no further! With our 'something for everyone' cheese board, you will create an unforgettable drinks experience. From young to old cheese, from smoked cheese to special variations with herbs and fenugreek - this board has it all. Ideal for a cosy evening with friends or family. Because say it yourself, who doesn't love a well-composed cheese board?
Cut the cheeses into different shapes. Here we chose strips, cubes, dots and wedges.
The herb garlic cheese is cut into strips. This works best if you halve the cheese first. Then make slices and make the strips from these slices.
We cut the fenugreek cheese into cubes. Here, we cut out a piece for you to put the cubes between. And when you run out of cubes, you can just cut another piece off, of course!
You can slice the old sheep's cheese along the side. because the piece of cheese is cut from a larger wheel, this is how you get those nice long dots of cheese.
Smoked goat cheese is cylindrical and by cutting it lengthwise and then slicing the halves again, you get long strips that you can then cut into smaller wedges.
Spread the cheese on your board, and top it with the crackers, nuts and cheese salts. This plank also has apple segments and we chose 2 tasty mustards that taste good with the cheese. The board is ready, time to enjoy!
Make your own perfect cheeseboard, ready to enjoy! You are guaranteed to impress with this variety of flavours and textures. All that's left is to invite the company, relax and enjoy the delicious combinations. Eat well and cheers to an enjoyable evening!
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