Customer reviews- page 163


Die Lieferung hat sich verzögert. Die Qualität der Käse ist sehr gut, die Verpackung ist toll.

Bester Käse überhaupt


I love it. I lived before in the Amsterdam. I miss there . Cheese and stroopwafels.

Everything is allright.

Boníssim formage holandès de diferents gustos

Ich bin total begeistert von dem leckeren Käse und dem köstlichen Senf.
Ziegenkäse mochte ich früher überhaupt nicht, aber ihr Ziegenkäse trift genau meinen Geschmack.

The Edam did not work for me, but the young goat was great! Will the young sheep wedges be back?

de kaas is lekker heelgoed

Me and my husband loved the garlic and herbs cheese the favor was very nice. The cheese spreads were very good too and would be nice at a party or get together. The beer cheese was nice but did not have a special favor but glad I tried it. The lamb I brought is very cute and soft.

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