Henri Willig Groep

P 18 Meadow Birds play a key role in the meadow. A lot of our farmers apply meadow bird management and see the numbers breeding pairs increase over the past few years. Birds in the meadow Hooidammer farmer Remco is a supporter of nature-inclusive farming, piloting early outdoor grazing shortly after winter. By allowing a small selection of his cows to start outdoor grazing in early spring, the feces attracts insects, which is essential food for the young birds in the meadow. His pasture is part of the Fochteloërveen, the protected breeding area of the crane. Hooidammer farmer Remco 1 2 3 4 This infographic shows the importance of a healthy ecosystem in agriculture. A cow grazes in a meadow with diverse, herb-rich grass. Manure is naturally spread by insects, which enhances soil fertility. Birds in the area feed on insects and worms. Thanks to the cow’s manure, the meadow becomes full of life. This results in high-quality milk and cheese, rich in flavour.