Henri Willig Groep

Goat farms Our goat farmers also contribute to better animal welfare by applying the guidelines from the Sustainable Goat Dairy Chain (DGZK). They have registered a lot of relevant data since 2020 to gain better insight into the well-being of the goats. There are three particular areas of interest: sustainability & climate, reputation and animal health and welfare. Energy scan SUBJECT MAXIMUM SCORE RESULTS 2021 RESULTS 2022 RESULTS 2023 Reputation and market activity Lifespan 17 14 19,9 18 19,8 18,7 PERCENTAGE ACHIEVED IN 2023 VS. MAX. SCORE 25 Antibiotics daily dosage Animal welfare monitor Extended milking Animal diseases and zoonoses Care for male goats 25 25 25 50 50 25 25 80 % 75 % 22,5 17 21,5 86 % 25 22,5 25 100 % 34,4 34,7 34,5 69 % 14 13,5 14 28 % 22,5 21,6 20,1 80 % 24 25 25 100 % P 15 Objectives and results of our goat farms. The DGZK has created a points system which all affiliated companies leverage.