Henri Willig Groep

Subject Maximum Number of Points Results 2020 Results 2021 Percentage Achieved Energy scan 25 18,2 17 68% Image and market activity 25 15,6 18 72% Lifetime 25 19,3 22,5 90% Animal dosage 25 21,1 25 100% Animal welfare monitor 50 31,1 34,4 69% Long-term milking 50 15,4 14 28% Animal diseases and Zoonotic diseases 25 18,3 22,5 90% Care for kids 25 20 24 96% Objectives and results of our goat farms. The DGZK has established a point system that all member companies work with. Monitor From the start of this year all our farmers keep track of data to gain better insight into the well-being of goats based on the guidelines of DGZK (Sustainable Goat and Dairy Chain).Here we look at three pillars: sustainability & climate, image and animal health and welfare. This data provides us with valuable information that we can use to further sharpen our objectives in the area of animal health.